Introduction to FPGA

(So far) Only available in Portuguese
Hacking a ESP32 into FPGA Board

Hacking a ESP32 into FPGA Board Colorlight Hub 5A-75B V6.1 Board Last year I saw a russian guy that found out that this cheap board (US$15~) had an Lattice ECP5 FPGA, which is compatible with Open Source Tool-chains for synthesis. He was running a RISC-V Core inside that and piping the serial through the ethernet ports. I wanted to get one and start playing by myself. These boards are relatively cheap, about US$15 and contains a Lattice ECP5 FPGA ( LFE5U-25F-6BG381C ), 4MB DRAM, Two Gigabit Ethernet and several level shifters for I/O. This is good because: That’s a very...
Hack a Sat - Talk to me, Goose

Hack a Sat — Talk to me, Goose The “Talk to me, Goose challenge” on Hackasat This challenge is just after the “Can you hear me now?” challenge (see Hack a Sat - Can you hear me now? ). Now LaunchDotCom has a new Satellite called Carnac 2.0. There are two attached files. The first one is the manual of the satellite in which we can see the onboard equipment: System Diagram of Carnac 2.0 Satellite There is also a XTCE file in which the Telemetry Data looks the same as previous challenge, but now there is a Command Section which implies...
Hack a Sat - Phasors to Stun

Hack a sat — Phasors to Stun The challenge I got really excited about it because its a SDR one. And everyone that knows me know that I love SDR stuff. The zip file itself contains a wav file which they told us is not an audio but an radio signal File command to show what the wave file is If we open in audacity we will se a very interesting pattern: Audacity view of the wave file That looks like a 2-FSK demodulated file (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-shift_keying). When you demodulate a 2-FSK I/Q from correctly from a Radio, it will...
Hack a Sat - Can you hear me now?

Hack-a-sat — Can you hear me now? That challenged asked us to decode a Telemetry data that was being sent over a TCP port. If you open the netcat, the following happen: Then if you connect to the Telemetry Service using netcat: In the provided zip file there is a telemetry.xtce file which is a XML file that tells us how the binary packet is encoded. A quick search over the internet lead me to the Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_Telemetric_and_Command_Exchange It is defined in the CCSDS Green Book (the spec https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/660x0g1.pdf ) The file has several sections. I will describe a few of them:...